For Cheetos Europe (PepsiCo) we made a playful websites aimed at children. Since law forbids manufacturers to market their ‘not so healthy products’ directly to children. That’s why Chester Cheetah, Cheetos’ mascot, is the main character in the website. It was our goal to make you the biggest fan of Chester Cheetah, without focussing to much on the food. It’s even hard to find information about Cheetos snacks.
Chester is trying to learn you about the healthy way of living. The main theme of is dancing, so Chester welcomes you as a DJ in different locations and music genres, you can personalize yourself. The website offers a lot of games, ringtones, movies, coloring pictures and e-cards. Chester has his own diary, so you can follow his daily routine; going to a local Cheetos event, travelling the world, doing fun stuff. When you’ve been at an event, you can find the pictures on the website.
Flow & sketches
During this project my role as an interaction designer was a little different. During that time we tried different agile design processes. Also with this project. The concept and first visualizations were there. I added user-friendliness, made a generic way of showing different types of content and did the functional specifications.
Information architecture of the website: